
Introduction to ORC

This course is designed for all new students as part of the enrolment process. The course is designed to explain to students how ORC works, and […]

Understanding Anxiety

This course focuses on anxiety, what it is and how it affects us, and how we can learn to manage it better. The course explores different […]

Wellbeing at Work (Part 2)

This course explores what can support or hinder our wellbeing in the workplace, and strategies to manage our wellbeing better. This course is suitable for any […]

Writing for Self Expression (Part 3)

On this course we will listen to and talk about some poems and pieces of prose, before trying out some expressive writing of our own. Expressive […]

Journaling for Wellbeing

In this course we discuss how journaling in its widest sense (recording some aspects of our day to day experiences) supports wellbeing by helping us gain […]

Thinking about a New Role (Part 1)

This course is suitable for anyone thinking about taking on a new role in the future, whether it’s starting employment or changing jobs, starting to volunteer […]

Drawing for Wellbeing (Part 3)

A six week workshop looking at some of the history and theory behind drawing with demonstrations and lots of practical activitiesinvolved.

Telling your Story (Part 1)

This 4-part course will support students to make their own short video story about one aspect of their recovery journey. Telling personal stories benefits our mental […]