
Loss, Grief and Wellbeing (Part 2)

This course is designed to provide information and ideas for support for anyone interested in or who has experienced grief or bereavement. It explores the various […]

Understanding Depression

This course provides a chance to think about what depression is like and how it affects someone’s life, as well as an understanding of what causes […]

Introduction to ORC

This course is designed for all new students as part of the enrolment process. The course is designed to explain to students how ORC works, and […]

Drawing for Wellbeing (Part 5)

A six week workshop looking at some of the history and theory behind drawing with demonstrations and lots of practical activitiesinvolved.

Telling your Story (Part 3)

This 4-part course will support students to make their own short video story about one aspect of their recovery journey. Telling personal stories benefits our mental […]

Nurturing Hope (Part 1)

This is a course for anyone keen to strengthen a sense of hope, whether you feel you are struggling to find hope at the moment, or […]

Understanding Confidence

Mental ill-health often leads to a loss of confidence, making it difficult for people to get the most out of their lives. We appreciate that developing […]

Neurodivergence and Wellbeing (Part 1)

This course looks at how we can define neurodivergence and how it may affect our wellbeing. We introduce various strategies, and we explore how wellbeing is […]

Wellbeing at Work (Part 3)

This course explores what can support or hinder our wellbeing in the workplace, and strategies to manage our wellbeing better. This course is suitable for any […]