Talking about suicide is important. World Suicide Prevention Day 2024
Where are Restore’s Recovery Projects?
16/09/2024V’s story at the Garden Café project: “I have gained so much confidence!”
At Restore's Garden Café, every cup of coffee supports a journey—whether it's an individual finding their path to mental health recovery or someone in the community fostering understanding and empathy.
When V first joined the Garden Café recovery group, she was at a low point in her long-standing mental health condition. The isolation she felt was overwhelming, and leaving the house was a struggle.
“I had no confidence in myself and was just stuck inside my house, becoming more and more isolated. If I thought about going out I felt really anxious - my heart was so loud and I felt as though I would be sick!”

It was after hearing about Restore’s services from a friend that V made the brave decision to refer herself to the Garden Café. But taking that first step wasn’t easy.
“Restore were really kind because I found it hard to go along to the initial assessment, or turn up for my Cafe days, but they were so patient and gave me support until I managed to settle in. The staff are positive, friendly and help you to think about how you can improve your life.”
Over time, V began to feel more at ease. Her confidence grew, and with it, she discovered new skills and passions that she now enjoys daily.
“Through going to the Cafe I have gained so much confidence! I have discovered that I am a good cook and frequently try out new recipes with my friends now - I love it! I even do the barista coffee and serve on the till taking the orders - I never thought that I would be able to do that.”
The Garden Café is a safe therapeutic space for individuals - like V - to rebuild confidence, learn new skills, and connect with others.
Restore's Café is open to all, offering homemade light lunches, Fairtrade coffee, and a chance to enjoy the beautiful, member-nurtured gardens. It’s a space where healing happens, thanks to the support of people like you.