
Spring Wellbeing Event

At the end of each term we offer an informal  workshop which provides an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and a chance to […]

Spring Wellbeing Event

At the end of each term we offer an informal  workshop which provides an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and a chance to […]

Neurodivergence and Wellbeing (Part 3)

This course looks at how we can define neurodivergence and how it may affect our wellbeing. We introduce various strategies, and we explore how wellbeing is […]

Boosting Confidence (Part 2)

Mental ill-health often leads to a loss of confidence, making it difficult for people to get the most out of their lives. We appreciate that developing […]

Yoga Workshop

In this yoga and mindfulness workshop, we will focus on slow movement and meditation to ground body and mind. I will take you through some of […]

Introduction to ORC

This course is designed for all new students as part of the enrolment process. The course is designed to explain to students how ORC works, and […]

Spring Wellbeing Event

At the end of each term we offer an informal  workshop which provides an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and a chance to […]

Wildlife and Wellbeing (Part 2)

On this course we explore the ways in which people relate to the natural world and look at some of the research that has shown us […]

Spring Wellbeing Event

At the end of each term we offer an informal  workshop which provides an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and a chance to […]