Improving knowledge and understanding of mental health

92% say "I would recommend this course to a colleague or friend"

92% of all Restore training attendees


Implementing training can lead to healthier, more supportive, and productive workplaces, benefiting both employees and the organisation as a whole.
Good mental health makes economic sense. Sickness absence, ‘presenteeism’ at work, staff turnover and unemployment - due to mental ill health - cost £110bn.

Enhanced Employee Well-being:

MHFA training equips employees with the skills to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health issues. This proactive approach helps in addressing mental health concerns early, leading to better overall well-being among employees.

Reduced Stigma and Increased Awareness:

By promoting open discussions about mental health, MHFA training reduces the stigma associated with mental health issues. It fosters a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable seeking help and discussing mental health openly.

Improved Workplace Culture:

A supportive and understanding workplace culture is developed when employees and managers are trained in MHFA. This positive culture enhances teamwork, communication, and trust among employees, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive workplace.

Increased Productivity and Reduced Absenteeism:

Early intervention in mental health issues can prevent them from escalating, leading to reduced absenteeism and presenteeism (where employees are at work but not fully functioning). Healthier employees are generally more productive, engaged, and motivated.

Enhanced Crisis Management:

MHFA training prepares employees to handle mental health crises effectively. Trained individuals can provide immediate support and guide affected colleagues to appropriate professional help, ensuring that mental health crises are managed swiftly and safely.

"The course was very rewarding and wonderful to experience a place where people can safely express and contribute their own mental health experiences to learning to support others as well as take care of our own mental health."

In-person MHFA learner


Restore's expert team offer courses for individuals and groups. From accredited Mental Health First Aid qualifications through to short courses tailored to specific needs. Either apply online or get in touch to discuss with our friendly team.
"I have to say that was one of the best experiences I've had of this kind of training. It was pitched just right and I was impressed at how warmly disposed folks were to speak with each other about the topic."

Restore Awareness Course Attendee


Ask our friendly team for help with any questions or queries


For training hosted by Restore and individual attendances, please see upcoming dates below.
For bespoke training or courses at a different specified location please submit an enquiry.