Education for good mental health

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At the Oxfordshire Recovery College, we offer free courses on mental health and well-being. Many of our students face challenges with their own mental health, but courses are also open to family, friends and carers of anyone struggling, and to mental health professionals.
All courses are interactive and based on learning together with others. Courses are based on the recovery approach – we believe that people can and do recover from mental ill health to lead full and satisfying lives.
We support people to find hope for the future, to regain a positive sense of self, to develop a sense of personal control and find opportunities to reach their own personal goals.
We believe all of us are experts in our own experiences.
Our co-produced mission statement:
‘Through learning together, we support each other to grow in hope and confidence and develop skills to better manage our own mental health’
"The tutors had a great deal of insight into the subject, were very compassionate and warm"
It’s a unique educational approach to recovery and mental health support, that works well alongside other treatments or therapies. You can refer yourself, you don’t need a diagnosis and can make your own choices about the courses you take.
The College is a welcoming space for everyone: people experiencing mental health challenges; plus carers, friends, family, staff and volunteers. Sharing what we’ve learnt from our individual experiences is central to our courses. Learning more about a diagnosis and hearing about tried-and-tested strategies can help individuals struggling (and others) to be equipped with knowledge, empathy and helpful strategies.
Our key value is co-production: we do everything alongside people with their own lived experience of mental health challenges. All courses are designed and delivered by both an Expert by Experience (someone with lived experience), and an Expert by Training (someone with a professional background in that area). So on every course you attend with us, people there will have experienced their own mental health challenges and found their own ways to cope and go forwards.
Whatever you are experiencing, you are not alone and someone can help.
"I have learnt that I need to trust myself and my recovery journey more. Keep experimenting with coping strategies, and if something doesn't work it's okay to try something else. Finding out other people struggle with similar problems to me really helps."
Who can come?
Anyone facing challenges to their own mental health, worried about someone else they care about or support, or working or volunteering in local mental health services. We encourage all students to self-refer. You must be over 18 and living in Oxfordshire.
Course examples
Understanding Mental Health. Sleep & Wellbeing. Wildlife & Wellbeing. Coping with Stress and Anxiety. Understanding Psychosis. Parenting in Recovery. Understanding Personality Disorders.
All of our courses are designed and delivered by both an Expert by Experience (someone with lived experience) and an Expert by Training (someone with a professional background in that area).
Does it cost?
No, courses and workshops are free.
ORC Main Office
Elder Stubbs, Rymers Lane, OX4 3DY
The Straw Bale
Restore, Manzil Way, Oxford, OX4 4JP
ORC at Witney Mind
65 Moorland Road, OX28 6LS
ORC at Banbury Mind
Britannia Road, Banbury, OX16 5DN
Online courses hosted on Zoom.
ORC at Didcot Civic Hall
Britwell Road, Didcot, OX11 7JN
Tutor with the Oxfordshire Recovery College
Volunteer tutors with Oxfordshire Recovery College are the life-force of the College. Whether you bring lived experience or a professional background, get in touch to discuss ORC tutoring.