All Oxfordshire Recovery College Courses.
View calendar for dates, times and locations.

Introduction to Recovery

  • This course explores different perspectives about the meaning of recovery. We look at recovery from a personal perspective, and think about the things that might help or hinder recovery.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Mental Health

  • This course explores what is meant by ‘mental health’ and what good mental health looks like. We consider how mental health problems may be diagnosed, or understood as part of our life experiences. The course explores the meaning of recovery and looks at support available on our recovery journey.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Depression

  • This course provides a chance to think about what depression is like and how it affects someone’s life, as well as an understanding of what causes depression and how to respond to it. The course will examine personal experiences to illustrate that depression is not an isolated experience and that it is possible to recover and maintain well-being.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Anxiety

  • This course focuses on anxiety, what it is and how it affects us, and how we can learn to manage it better. The course explores different types of anxiety disorders, how we can understand anxiety as a survival strategy, techniques to ground ourselves and reduce worry, and where to look for further support.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Personality Disorders

  • In this course we consider how personality disorders are defined and how they may develop,as well as exploring the stigma surrounding this diagnosis. We discuss ways to move forward – both support which may be offered and how people can help themselves. In Part 2, we discuss some models for understanding human relationships and think about how we can make positive changes in our lives.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Understanding Psychosis

  • This course aims to increase understanding of what it can be like to experience psychosis, what might cause it and how it can be defined. The course considers factors which help and hinder recovery, and aims to inspire students with hope that recovery is possible and achievable.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Bipolar

  • This course aims to increase understanding of Bipolar Disorder including its possible causes and symptoms, what it might be like to live with it and how we might define it. The course considers factors which help and hinder recovery, and aims to inspire students that recovery is possible and achievable. It considers the challenges of stigma and ways we might tackle it.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Eating Disorders

  • This course aims to increase understanding of eating disorders by exploring what is meant by the term eating disorder, the different types of eating disorder, prevalence, signs and symptoms, negative impact, causes and treatments. We offer the opportunity to hear from lived experience and we share ideas within the group for how we can help ourselves and/or support others.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Trauma

  • Experiencing trauma can significantly impact our mental health, the way we function as human beings and our resilience to coping with stressful life events. This course looks at the impact of trauma on our brain and bodies and explores how we can learn to ground ourselves in the present and regulate our emotions. We look at trauma diagnoses in Week 2 and life after trauma in Week 3. On this course we share tips and strategies, but not details of what has happened to us.
  • 3 x 3 hours

Coping with Self Harm

  • This course aims to provide a safe space in which students can think about and discuss the different reasons that a person might engage in self harming behaviour – focussing on why, not how. We look at the prevalence of self harm in the UK and think about what might drive so many people to engage in self harming behaviours. Having identified some of the reasons that people engage in self harming behaviours we think together in detail about possible alternatives.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Confidence

  • Mental ill-health often leads to a loss of confidence, making it difficult for people to get the most out of their lives. We appreciate that developing or regaining confidence is an important part of many people’s recovery. This course will help you recognise your existing skills, and consider some practical ways to move forwards with increased confidence
  • 3 hours

Understanding Stigma

  • In this course we explore what stigma means in relation to mental health, examine the impact that stigma can have on our sense of identity, and look at ways we can challenge stigma while taking care of ourselves.
  • 3 hours

Finding Your Pathway Through Services

  • This course will explore some of the common frustrations that people can face when looking for support , with particular focus on problem solving. Students will discover different ways in which they might prepare for an appointment, deal with long waiting times and have their needs met by appropriate services. The course is suitable for people who are engaged with services or seeking to engage, and the people who support them.
  • 3 hours

Neurodiversity & Well-being

  • This course looks at how we can define neurodiversity and how it may affect our well-being. We introduce various strategies, and we explore how well-being is related to reaching our goals. We explore with each other things which impact neurodiverse individuals and how to support those individuals and those who care and work with them. This course is developed to provide a brief introduction into the extensive topic of neurodiversity.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Men, Mental Health & Society

  • More women than men are diagnosed with common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, however the rate of suicide is significantly higher in men. This suggests that some men suffering with mental distress may not be receiving (or asking) for the help they need. This course explores why men may find it harder to talk about their mental health or seek help, the impact of how we use language and the stigma around men’s mental health. It is suitable for anyone interested in the effects of gender on our mental health.
  • 3 x 3 hours

Gender, Sexuality & Mental Health

  • This course seeks to explore issues around gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, and how these can impact on our mental health. We will explore themes around developing our sense of identity and look at dealing with stigma and discrimination. The course is suitable for everyone wishing to consider these issues in a supportive group, however they describe their own identity.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Sleep & Well-being

  • This course focuses on sleep - the physiological basics, the effects of poor sleep on our mental health and general well-being, and how we can learn to manage and improve our sleep.
  • 3 hours

Thinking About Thinking

  • This course is an introduction to how we as individuals think about thinking, and will help students to explore and understand more about this subject. We will identify some common and potentially unhelpful thinking patterns which may impact our mental health negatively, and with greater understanding explore how we can adapt our thinking to promote our own well-being in a self-compassionate way.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Body Image & Mental Health

  • This course looks at the impact that thoughts, feelings and ideas about our appearance can have on our mental health. We consider where assumptions and biases about our own and other people's appearances come from. We explore the difference that a new perspective can make to someone with negative body image, and what we can all achieve without making any physical changes – just by altering the way we think and feel about our bodies.
  • 3 hours

Introduction to Mindfulness

  • This course gives students an overview and a felt experience of the core principles of mindfulness – the practice of bringing awareness to our present moment experience with kindness rather than judgement. We explore the proven benefits of mindfulness, as well as advice about when it may not be so useful.This is an introductory course which offers tips for mindfulness in everyday life, as well as signposting information if anyone wants to learn more.
  • 3 hours

Mindful Movement with T’ai Chi Chih

  • This course offers the opportunity to learn some easy T’ai Chi Chih movements as a stress-reduction tool to help in recovery. No previous knowledge or equipment is required and you will be given opportunities to experience the beneficial effects in your own mind and body whilst being guided through movements during the workshop. There will be details of a link to a free online tutorial and further practical classes.
  • 3 hours

Wildlife & Well-being

  • On this course we explore the ways in which people relate to the natural world and look at some of the research that has shown us the positive impacts of increased interaction with wildlife on our well-being and mental health. In Part 1 we make a bird feeder together and in Part 2 students will be given a chance to spend some time outdoors, taking part in a bit of bird-spotting, tree identification and the inspection of a microcosm.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Life on a Budget

  • This course explores ways to look after your mental health and well-being without spending a fortune. It’s suitable for anyone wanting to build strategies and share ideas around shopping, eating and getting the most out of everyday life, whilst sticking to a budget.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Eat well, Be active, Stay motivated

  • This 3 - part course looks at how our physical health is connected with our mental health. We will explore how we can look after ourselves through healthy eating and exercise and how this can positively impact our mental health. We will explore how we can motivate ourselves to make positive changes and keep going towards our own personal goals. We will think about how we can best apply new knowledge in our day to day living in a meaningful, sustainable and enjoyable way.
  • 3 x 3 hours

Skills for Recovery; Acceptance, Purpose, Resilience

  • Recovery following any crisis is a journey. This course aims to help you identify a direction you want to try, and how to get there! We explore tools and strategies to help us move forward, gain a sense of control over our own recovery and lead a life that is meaningful to us. In Part 1 we learn strategies to help us accept difficult experiences and situations that hold us back, in Part 2 we investigate how we understand our ‘purpose’, and what guides us towards it and then in Part 3 we consolidate and top up our recovery toolbox with practical skills to increase resilience
  • 3 x 3 hours

Menopause and Mental Health

  • This course explores what the menopause and perimenopause actually are, how they might affect the person experiencing it, and those around them, particularly in terms of mental well-being, and goes on to explore ways to live and cope with menopause day to day. It’s suitable for anyone wanting to understand more about this natural part of life.
  • 3 hours

Parenting in Recovery

  • All parents face challenges, but struggling with your mental health can make parenting even harder. This course is a safe space in which to discuss the challenges of being a parent and to receive support and encouragement from each other. We will talk about how we can be “good enough” parents whilst still taking care of ourselves. We will talk about seeking support for both ourselves and our families. This course particularly focuses on parenting a young family but also relates to general themes within family relationships.
  • 3 hours

Relationships & Mental Health

  • This course explores the impact of our mental health on relationships with others, and also the impact of relationships on our mental health. We consider relationships with partners, children , friends and work colleagues. We share ideas for how we can build healthier relationships within all these settings. We also consider how we can be more self-compassionate in our relationships with ourselves.
  • 2 x 3 hours

Let's Talk Loneliness

  • This course is suitable for anyone wishing to understand more about loneliness, and how it can affect us in our day to day lives,particularly in terms of our mental health. We explore how to cope with a sense of loneliness and manage it the way we want to, which could include seeking companionship through local charities
  • 3 hours

Exploring Employment Gaps

  • This course explores students’ concerns around employment gaps, chiefly though not exclusively related to mental illness, and the associated feelings and anxieties. It explores the pros and cons of being open about having gaps, explains how to reframe experiences in a positive light, and looks at the employer perspective. Practicalities are explored, including how to provide references if you have not recently been in employment, ways to gain experience, how to find good employers, and CV tips (though this is not a CV workshop).
  • 3 hours

Sharing Personal Information

  • This course helps individuals to think about whether sharing information about their health with an employer is the right thing for them. It explores: when to share information, how to share information, how much information to share and who to share the information with.
  • 3 hours

Writing for Self Expression

  • On this course we will listen to and talk about some poems and pieces of prose, before trying out some expressive writing of our own. Expressive writing is not creative writing or therapy, but a form of self-expression which helps a person to think about their life and put their thoughts and feelings into words with often surprising results. It is personal, freestyle writing that is not constrained by concerns about the ‘end result’ but fosters personal awareness, resilience and well-being.
  • 4 x 2 hours

Art & Well-being

  • Art- related courses may differ from term to term, but all offer opportunities to develop creativity in a safe space. Lots of evidence indicates that art is linked to well-being, particularly in terms of taking notice of the world around us and within us, seeing a new perspective, distracting from negative thinking and increasing confidence, self- esteem and sense of identity.
  • 6 x 2 hours

Mindful Photography

  • In this workshop students have the opportunity to try out some mindful photography and share their responses. Mindful photography uses our own eyes and a camera lens (be it a smartphone or a camera) to help ground us in the present moment by looking more closely at the world around us. It encourages us to look non judgmentally, and can help change our perspective on ourselves and our environment by harnessing gratitude, self-compassion and a sense of awe and wonder.
  • 2 hours

Journalling & Mental Health

  • In this course we discuss how journalling in its widest sense (recording some aspects of our day to day experiences) supports well-being by helping us gain perspective on our lives, notice what’s good and focus on what is meaningful to us. Students will be introduced to both bullet journaling and scrapbook journalling and have the opportunity to experiment with different methods and materials ( provided) to find a way of journalling which works for them.
  • 3 hours

End of Term Well-being Workshop

  • At the end of each term we offer an informal workshop which provides an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and a chance to reflect on the term gone by. These workshops are more informal than other courses and aim to build on a sense of connection within our ORC community.
  • 2 hours

Select Introduction to Bullet Journalling

  • At the end of each term we offer an informal workshop which provides an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and a chance to reflect on the term gone by. These workshops are more informal than other courses and aim to build on a sense of connection within our ORC community.
  • 2 hours


All Online Courses.
View calendar for dates, times and locations.

Introduction to Recovery

  • This course explores different perspectives about the meaning of recovery. We look at recovery from a personal perspective, and think about the things that might help or hinder recovery.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Mental Health

  • This course explores what is meant by ‘mental health’ and what good mental health looks like. We consider how mental health problems may be diagnosed, or understood as part of our life experiences. The course explores the meaning of recovery and looks at support available on our recovery journey.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Depression

  • This course provides a chance to think about what depression is like and how it affects someone’s life, as well as an understanding of what causes depression and how to respond to it. The course will examine personal experiences to illustrate that depression is not an isolated experience and that it is possible to recover and maintain well-being.
  • 3 hours

Understanding Anxiety

  • This course focuses on anxiety, what it is and how it affects us, and how we can learn to manage it better. The course explores different types of anxiety disorders, how we can understand anxiety as a survival strategy, techniques to ground ourselves and reduce worry, and where to look for further support.
  • 3 hours