Introduction to ORC

The Straw Bale Restore, Manzil Way, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

This course is designed for all new students as part of the enrolment process. The course is designed to explain to students how ORC works, and […]


Mindful Walk

Elder Stubbs Rymers Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Mindful walks are a chance to slow down, get outside and appreciate the beauty of nature. We'll go at a slow, gentle pace and pause regularly […]


Gender, Sexuality and Mental Health (Part 2)

The Straw Bale Restore, Manzil Way, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

This course seeks to explore issues around gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, and how these can impact on our mental health. We will explore […]


Telling your Story (Part 2)

Location: Online

This 4-part course will support students to make their own short video story about one aspect of their recovery journey. Telling personal stories benefits our mental […]


Drawing for Wellbeing (Part 4)

The Straw Bale Restore, Manzil Way, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

A six week workshop looking at some of the history and theory behind drawing with demonstrations and lots of practical activitiesinvolved.


Thinking about a New Role (Part 2)

Location: Online

This course is suitable for anyone thinking about taking on a new role in the future, whether it’s starting employment or changing jobs, starting to volunteer […]


Loss, Grief and Wellbeing (Part 1)

Location: Online

This course is designed to provide information and ideas for support for anyone interested in or who has experienced grief or bereavement. It explores the various […]


Writing for Self Expression (Part 4)

The Straw Bale Restore, Manzil Way, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

On this course we will listen to and talk about some poems and pieces of prose, before trying out some expressive writing of our own. Expressive […]


Exploring Employment Gaps

ORC at Didcot Civic Hall Britwell Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

This course explores students’ concerns around employment gaps, chiefly though not exclusively related to mental illness, and the associated feelings and anxieties. It explores the pros […]
