Time to Talk Day
27/02/2017Oxford Street Collection Success
03/05/2017Paul’s Story
I was in a difficult and completely alien situation. I’d been consistently in employment for over 35 years and then I just found myself at home with a lot of time on my hands. I was away from the workplace for 18 months, it was a difficult time in my life.
Following a referral by my GP and Talking spaces I attended CBT, I was apprehensive but it turned out to be such a rewarding experience. I’ve learnt so many beneficial techniques to reduce and manage stress and anxiety, I’m continually putting what I learnt into practice and would recommend to anyone. It changes the way you think about thinking! It was through Mind I found out about the coaching service Restore offer.
I had countless conversations on the phone with my first coach Pamie and more recently I have been working with Caroline, both wonderful advocates for Restore. Just having someone professional there to talk to was so invaluable. Pamie helped me to look forward and see beyond the situation I found myself in, she offered so much advice and was on call to support and get me in a positive mindset in preparation for those meetings and calls with my employer. I’m doing something entirely different now.
I have gone back into education and am studying for an RHS Level 2 qualification in horticulture. I have always loved gardening and now I have the opportunity and tools to fulfil my ambition. The course is so rewarding and I’m really enjoying being around people again in a learning environment. I’m currently in the process of setting up my own gardening and design business. I’m a fitter and stronger person both physically and mentally. I’ve come out of the experience a much stronger and well-rounded person.
Now I can help others, including friends and family, using the techniques I have learnt during this challenging period of my life.There is light at the end of the tunnel. There are other ways of living your life, even if it does seem like something you could never do. I got used to my life within the Publishing industry, it was what I had always done. Now I have a whole new sense of freedom, what happened was life-changing and the coaches at Mind and Restore helped me get here. A very big thank you to a wonderful team of people!