Carly’s Story
16/02/2017Time to Talk Day
27/02/2017Survey for Carers
[btn text=”Take the Carers Survey” link=”″ tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” size=”large” target=”true”]
Restore defines a carer as those individuals who regularly provide regular and substantial care to people. We understand that having caring friends and family are a major factor in promoting members wellbeing so we try to involve them in their support as fully as possible in line with members wishes and our core values.
Restore has a designated friends and Family lead at managerial level to ensure there is a clear contact point and that we are reaching the right quality standards.
Caring can be very tough and relentless. Friends and family identified by a member at project level are given a resource pack and signposted for additional support if the need arises.
Restore staff receive regular training in how to respond supportively to friends and family needs.
Restore welcomes direct comment on how it’s doing for its carers and can be contacted at our Manzil Ways offices just ask for the friends and family lead.
We are also taking part as a member of the Oxfordshire Mental health partnership in an online survey of cares experience its services.
[btn text=”Take the Carers Survey” link=”″ tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” size=”large” target=”true”]
The following site may also provide useful help and advice:
Provides info, outreach, peers support groups and training for carers